Monday, April 20, 2009

Mondays Suck Animals Don't!

Sorry this is a little late in the day, but don't kid yourself, Mondays still suck!
So, I know I've been posting a lot of cats lately, but this guys deserves special mention! His name is Bubba (best name ever) and he was rescued by an Etsy friend of mine named Anna from West Tennessee. She found him on the side of the road with a completely maimed leg. Thankfully Anna did find him because I'm sure he was in a lot of pain. After trying to save his leg, Anna's vet could do no more and it had to be amputated. So now he's a 3 legged wonder. He's a cutie I'll tell you that much!
Here is Bubba with a cast on his leg before they amputated it

and here is is laying around with is friend Suzie (I love when dogs and cats show their love for each other! so cute!!)

and here is in all his glory! he's a handsome devil!

Thanks Anna for sharing your lovely Bubba with us!


  1. Aw, thanks so much Melanie for picking Bubba to write about! He's so special to us~they all are, but he's just a little bit extra special :D


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